Wednesday, May 22, 2013


They found nothing today. Everything looked completely normal on both ends. I guess I am just a hypochondriac and/or a freak of nature.

On a bittersweet note, I found out today that my Social Security Disability has been approved for life. I want to do everything in my power to be able to go back to work one day, but it is a bit liberating to know I don't HAVE to.  :-)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Need extra prayers tomorrow

Tomorrow I'm having an endoscopy (top end) and a sigmoidoscopy (bottom end) by a Mayo doctor that I really like and respect. I'm having trouble swallowing food, so he's going to look to see why. "Take a look at your swallowing tube," as he would say. Then he's going to go in the other end and take some samples to try and figure out why I've had diarrhea for a year now. I've done everything they've told me to do, but it will not let up. So, I'm just asking for some extra prayers that he finds something that will point toward treatment and a cure. I'll post an update once I'm out. Thanks - love you all!