Sunday, March 24, 2013

Update on mom

Hi everyone! This is Cami. My mom is too lazy to update so I am doing it for her. Anyways, my mom just got back from Minnesota a couple weeks ago. They gave her a couple new medications to try out. Its been helping with the nausea and GI problems but has not completely solved it. She still has some pain too. We are in tucson right now visiting Lew and other family and she's doing pretty good with it. I'm sure if we were in phoenix though, it would be easier. But then again, there's no place like home. She didn't do very well with the car ride. Hopefully she'll do better on the way back to Phoenix. There's nothing else really new with my mom or any of us.

Just a special thank you to everyone who has helped my mom recover. All of her doctors, especially Dr. Dunn, who saved her life, Lew, Susan (mom or Bama), Art, Erin, Mike, Lisa and Bill. And everyone else who I didn't mention. Even sending her flowers helps so thank you. Without you guys my mom would not recover half as fast. And I'm asking for you all to pray for my mom to gain her health back, and to be able to cut down on the meds, and not have to take insulin anymore. Also please pray for my Great- Grandpa Jim. He has become very sick this past year and my mom and all of us are very worried about him.

That's it for now but I'll try to keep you all posted if my mom can't post. And she knows its almost been a month but I'll keep bugging her.


Cami :)

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