Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Update from last week's EGD

Hello everyone.  I just have a quick update with some (mildly) interesting  news. I had an EGD (endoscopy) last week due to difficulty and pain with swallowing. My Tucson GI said that I had a hiatal hernia, a lot of red/swollen tissue, and a flattened pylorus (the tube that leads out of your stomach). I have no idea how or if any of that is related to my pain, or what they do to take care of those things. He said he also witnessed severe gastroparesis. That one was a little troubling because the theory was that my gastroparesis was due to the large amount of narcotics in my system, and would go away once I'm off the narcotics. Well, guess what...not happening. I have to make a follow up appt with my GI to discuss the results and the path forward from here, but at least he saw a little something that may be treatable. It's odd that the scope I had about 6 weeks ago didnt show any of that, so is it all new and developing, or did my other doctor miss it? Either way, I'm just hoping he can provide some solutions. I'm kind of frustrated because everyone blamed the narcotics on everything, but now a year and significantly fewer chemicals later, I still have the same symptoms as before-abdominal pain, constant diarrhea, inability to speak coherently, or even form original thoughts. No improvement other than my head is clearer, which makes things worse because now I'm aware of how truly braindead I really am. I still have to make a follow up appointment with  my local doctor, so I'll update everyone once I have a path forward. He's also going to investigate solutions for my other GI issues as well. I'll keep you all apprised! C ya!

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