I still have nothing of consequence to report, though I did have some interesting images. Last week I had a barium swallow test to look for any obstructions or strictures in my bowels. Nothing showed up. They also took an xray, which showed a couple of interesting things. First, there is a mass in my abdomen (where the green arrow is). The radiologist doesn't know what it is, but was "guessing" food or medication. My primary doc doesn't like that answer, so she ordered a CT scan. (God bless her - I just threw all this at her today and she wasted no time trying to help me out.) There is also something that looks like a chain (see red arrow) when you zoom in (seen in the other image). All weekend I was positive that someone dropped their necklace in me when I had my TP-IAT. I went down to the hospital to talk to the radiologist today. Ends up that it IS a chain, but is there on purpose. It is called an anastomosis chain and it is linking loops of my bowel together. The radiologist said that it would not cause any pain, though I'm yet to be convinced since these 2 things are exactly where my pain is.
So, that's about it. I'm still waiting to hear from MN as to what their plan is. I was really hoping to get out there this year, but that's looking less likely every day. I still need everyone's thoughts and prayers, please. I'm still in a lot of pain and continue to get more discouraged every day. Please, God, let someone figure SOMETHING out!