Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I am going to MN on Sunday (12/15). It is -2 there right now. There are not enough layers in my giant wardrobe to protect against that.

I am seeing one of the transplant surgeons to discuss a cardiac pacer, but I don't think I'll end up going that route. We'll see. I'm also seeing the pain team there. They're good folks, so I hope they can do something. I'm pretty discouraged, though. I've come to realize there is nothing that can physically be done for me, so it's all up to my mental control. I'm not strong enough yet to overcome the (perceived) pain. Whether it's real or all in my head, it still hurts a lot. And I still have horrid nausea. Maybe the snow will freeze the puke out of me!

I have had my fill of tests. I had a gastric emptying study, which showed delayed emptying,  so they ordered an upper GI barium series to look for blockages. That showed a mass, so the dr ordered a CT scan to look into that. The mass was gone on the CT, but they found some irregularities on my liver, so ordered an ultrasound. That test just came back to say that they saw a growth on my liver, so now they want an MRI. Yeah, are you as dizzy as I am? I'm sure the liver stuff is due to my islet transplant, but my local doctors want to get an MRI so I'll indulge them a bit since they're also trying to figure out what's wrong with me.

And that's about it. I still feel lousy but trying to fake it since it's all in my head anyway. Now I just get to fake it in -2 weather. Brrr!

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