Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The important stuff

I thought I'd share a funny story. Kind of crude, but funny nonetheless. On Sunday Erin, Kevin and their associated families came over to mom's house for Easter. Erin's kids were very interested in all my medical contraptions, so I was explaining about my glucometer and feeding tube, etc. Now, this formula I'm on gives me a lot of gas. I mean, a LOT. So mom tells Caden (my 5 yo nephew), "But Caden, you should hear her toot. She can toot so long that you could sing the alphabet and she'd still be tooting," (This is sad, but true.) Anyway, as the day goes on, I let him help me do some things. He helped me load the test strip when I had to take my blood sugar. When I had to give myself medicine through my j-tube, I let him push in the syringe through the port. Mom says to him, "That's pretty cool stuff, isn't it, Caden." He leans over and whispers to her, "Yeah, but when is she gonna fart?" Out of the mouths of babes! Of course, since I was on the spot all day, I was unable to produce. This greatly saddened Caden, but relieved the rest of the family! Too bad...I finally had the chance to get back at my brothers and I blew it....or, I guess, I DIDN'T blow it...

Otherwise, things are still going along well here. I've had quite a bit of abdominal pain the last couple of days. I think it's probably because I'm starting to eat so different parts of my intestines are being used. I've been doing a lot of resting, but we've vowed that we'll get up and out to do at least one thing every day. That way I'm sure to get out of the house and not just holing myself up in the bedroom. This is just one of the wonderful things my mom has done for me. She knows just when to push me, and when I need to rest. I really never could have done this without her and I appreciate everything she has sacrificed to help me heal at this slow pace. So, I could never say it enough, but thank you, mama. Thank you so much! I love you and like you! :-)


  1. Awesome Easter! Wonderful team, mothers and daughters! xo

  2. Im glad your mom could be there for you. There is nothing quite like the bond you make when trapped in a hospital in pain.
