Monday, January 30, 2012

EUS is over!

My EUS went pretty routinely, I suppose. They had a hell of a time starting an IV, no surprise. One thing that was really cool was that the hospital gowns were these 2-layer paper gowns. The inner layer had a whole bunch of little holes, like an air hockey table. Then there's a hose you can connect to the gown that will blow warm or cool air all around the inside. I, of course, had it on the coldest setting available. I asked the nurse if she's ever seen anyone blast cold air when it was 25 degrees outside, lol! It was really cool though, no pun intended! (I also made Lew leave the window open all night last night. The lengths that he will go for me...

Anyway, the Dr did an EUS, and made sure to look for the stent. (He did not find one.) Then he did the pancreatic function tests. I guess both tests looked normal. I'm not sure what that all means. If, by their standards, I do not have chronic pancreatitis, does that mean they would not recommend surgery? I certainly don't want to do this if it doesn't help my pain. But I know I'm in a lot of pain, so what's causing it? I guess the best case would be that it is my pancreas causing the pain, but the pancreas itself is not very damaged. Then we could get a maximum amount of islet cells when they do the TP-IAT. I guess we'll see what they say...

Tomorrow I have a bunch of blood work (8:45 am) and Boost testing (where they measure my blood glucose) at 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00. We're meeting the social worker at 10 am too, just to make sure I have a support system in place after surgery. And then we're meeting Dr. Dunn, the transplant surgeon, at 1:30 pm.

Well, that's all for now. I'll post again tomorrow if anything exciting happens...

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