Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Nothing new to report

Still not a whole lot of action. Dr. C ordered ANOTHER xray to see if the stent is still there. It's frustrating - the last one was on Fri, so 5 days ago. What was the point in having it done if it takes him 5 days to respond? I asked if they could just schedule the removal and I would do the xray right beforehand, and we could cancel if it's out. He said no - he couldn't schedule the removal until he knew that it was still there. Grrr... But, I kinda think it has fallen out anyway. That right sided pain that was new is gone now - just back to the left side pressure and gnawing. So, I didn't make it down to the hospital today, too sick. I tried eating some noodles yesterday and still haven't fully recovered from that yet. Hopefully tomorrow I can make it down there. He's also submitting orders for a dietician and the pain clinic, but no mention of a referral to Dr. Rilo (the pancreas surgeon) that I asked him about.

The lady from the Pancreatitis Center at UMC here in Tucson called me today.  She's going to look through all my records to see if they've got everything they need and then call me back (probably tomorrow).  She said since I'm local, they can probably get me in next week.  (Not sure why that makes a difference...) She's going to set me up with Dr. Khan, who is their GI/pancreatic specialist.  From there, he'll make a recommendation on whether or not to do surgery.  I am SO done with all this right now - I just want this beast out.  I totally know what others mean when they say they don't even care about whether they'll get diabetes.  Of course I don't want that, but I know that can be controlled much better than this pain.  I just can't get comfortable - I lay in bed day in and day out.  Just getting up to make the kids dinner is a huge ordeal.  I even make them bring their homework into my bedroom now because it hurts too much to get up and help them.

I also got an email from the University of Minnesota clinic today.  They are going to be doing extensive testing (another endoscopic ultrasound with pancreatic function tests, blood glucose tests, digestion tests and another MRI), then I'm meeting with the social worker, the surgeon (Dr. Dunn - I've never seen her before) and Dr. Freeman (who saved my life).  Those appts are Jan 30 - Feb 1.  I sent a note today asking if we could just get all the insurance approvals done now and just have my pancreas yanked while I'm up there.  I don't think they'll go for it, but I have to ask! I think it's usually a couple months wait once you're approved.  The equipment they use to isolate the islet cells is in heavy use, so they can usually only do 1-2 of these surgeries a week, and it's a long waiting list.  I'm amazed that there are so many people who have the same condition I do, but it took 2.5 years to actually get a diagnosis.  And I know that there are people in much worse shape than I am, but I'm starting to reach the end of my rope now.  Please pray for a speedy process - whatever that may end up being!!!

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