Sunday, December 25, 2011

IVs suck

My blood work came back much better today, so i will probably get to go home. I still can't get pain relief using just pills - still need an IV but he's trying a different dosage and hopefully that will do it. My night nurse, Jamie was my favorite person in the whole world! She would be able to keep my pain low the whole time so i didn't have these up and down spikes. But, she has the next 3 days off, so i am sad. My shoulder IV blew last night and even the trauma nurses could get anything started. Eventually, Jamie was able to get one in my foot! Crazy. It actually feels better than the ones in my arm.a

So, hopefully this new dosage will work and I can go home today. I'm a little discouraged because this feels like the same pain I had before. I guess time will tell...

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