Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2/8 update

I went to the pain management doctor today. It was kind of odd, given that I'm leaving for MN next week, but at least I'm in their system when I get back. The doctor is kind of a hippie, with long-ish hair and a scarf wrapped around his head. He will help with my meds once I get home. He was funny though - they make you sign a waiver that you will submit to drug testing at any time. I guess though, it's not always for the presence of drugs, but for the absence. He's had some little old ladies come in for pain meds, but when they did a drug test, there were NO drugs in their systems. Apparently they were then selling their painkillers to supplement their incomes, lol! Anyway, he told me that he does not prescribe medical marijuana, but if I tested positive for that, he would let that slide, but anything else would get me kicked out of there. I think I'll be just fine on that one!

If anyone reading this is considering a TP-IAT and has United Healthcare, I found out some info about coverage and travel reimbursement. United Healthcare has reclassified the TP-IAT from a transplant procedure to a standard surgical procedure. The good news is that they now don't require all the testing and medical justification, so all the hospital has to do is notify UHC of the date you're having surgery. The downside is that travel costs aren't reimbursed because they only do that for "transplants". I couldn't get a straight answer from UHC, but fortunately the folks in UMN's financial department were able to give me the background.

Other than that, I'm chugging along. The nausea is unrelenting. My pain is moderately controlled. I always get worse as the day goes on, so I don't usually sleep too well. I have a heating pad on my belly 24/7. If I take it off at all, the pain gets insane. Last night, I actually had to pull out a 2nd heating pad to try to cover every inch of my abdomen, lol! T minus 9 days and counting! Of course I'm scared and anxious, but I am SO READY for this!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah the old "2 heating pack" trick:-) I tried that last night- gave up and went to ER. By the way Mayo's ER was HORRIBLE last night. The doc gave me 1 mg of meds and said no more. He also asked me "have you even spoke with a surgeon yet" when I told him my surgery was in 8 days.... You can imagine what I responded with! Can't wait to have surgery either. Although I am worried as the 40% have phantom pain, but I am praying I am the 60% that does not- there is a chance:-) You too! Feel better soon. Great post.
