Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 2. More progress

From Megan's mom: Dr. Tomaya (still not sure of exactly his name) came and looked at the wound. He was happy with the way it looked and said it was clear that there is no bleeding. This is great! But her hemoglobin is low because of blood lost during surgery. So she's receiving a unit of blood and they are still pushing the fluids so that her body can better repair itself. Her NG tube was taken out. It was clearing stuff from her stomach. The diabetes doctor came in and said they are giving the insulin so the islets can rest but is optimistic that Megan will be able to use less and less insulin. They want the blood sugar between 100-125. Yesterday it was all over the place but overnight they got it right at 100! Again, good news!

Physical therapy is supposed to come in this afternoon and Megan will sit up. They've also lowered the amount of the medication that she gets by pushing a button. Today she said her pain is at a 5. Up until now she's been saying her level is an 8 (out of 10). Mostly she is still sleeping. She looks pretty relaxed today.

I was blessed to find a Lutheran church right between the apartment and the hospital. It was good to be able to worship. More later, no doubt!

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