Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 7

Megan is continuing to heal well. Dr. Dunn said that all her levels are great. She is gaining strength and moving around well. Our biggest challenge right now is controlling her nausea. Dr.Dunn determined that some of her discomfort comes when her g-tube is not draining properly. For some reason it gets clogged regularly and the pressure in her abdomen causes distress. Last night the nurse had a hard time clearing it. When I arrived her morning nurse had tried twice so I had a go at it. No good. Luckily for us, Dr. Dunn was on the floor doing rounds and she came right in and cleared it. She gave me some pointers, too. We went down at 2:00 for the tube feeding class. Megan only lasted about 15 minutes and then had to return to the floor because of vomiting. I finished the class and feel a lot better about having to manage it. Plus, Meg is a lot more alert and we can do it together. When I returned from class and Meg woke up, together we managed to clear the G-tube! Hurray! We've had our ups and downs but Megan is definitely on the mend.

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