Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 1 morning

From Megn's mom: Lew came over to the hospital at 8 this morning when they opened. Meggie is still in considerable pain. They did the ultrasound of her liver, which involved moving her around quite a bit. Then Dr Dunn's fellow examined her so she has had a rough morning. Her nurse Rachel is working hard to get her pain under control. Physical therapy wants her up and walking but Rachel wants Megan to be in less pain before she tries that. They are still checking her blood sugar every 30 minutes and administering insulin. She is quite nauseous and they are giving her phenergan for that. She can push her pain pump every 10 minutes but is so groggy she forgets to do it. Hoping to get this pain under control soon. That is our prayer now. If I haven't called you, please don't be offended. There isn't much time or a place to have phone calls. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. Our biggest prayer now is for some pain relief.

Sent from my iPad

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