Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 10

Another day in Minnesota... Today I noticed that even the Mississippi has a sheen of ice. So, it's not just me! Last night Meg had a CAT scan of her abdomen looking for possible areas of concern. She's been spiking fevers and is still plagued by nausea. This morning Dr. Dunn came in to tell Meg that there appears to be an abcess up where her spleen used to be - upper left quadrant. Luckily she tested negative for C-Dif, which could be quite a set-back. This afternoon, aided by the CT scan, they placed another drain in. This time they went in through her back. By the time she got back to the room a large amount of drainage had collected. It is really hurting tonight. Likely the other drains were equally painful but at the beginning she couldn't feel any one single pain.

We talked with Dr. Dunn about the problems with the G-Tube getting clogged. She spent at least a half an hour draining "gunk" out and it hasn't been clogged all day. Awesome! This woman truly is using her God-given talent and intelligence. She is inspiring.

Before I left tonight, Meg told me that tomorrow is going to be her turning point. I hope that is true.

There are lots of nice people. I've met some students, the cashier in the cafeteria and lots of nurses and nurse's aides. Thy've shared some amazing stories about their lives.

I'm trying to counteract the effects of sitting around all day. I walk to and from the hospital and I use the stairs instead of the elevator. But darn it, I'm still not nearly as fast as those students!

Tonight we are supposed to get a foot of snow. I'm REALLY looking forward to THAT! Guess I'll be wearing boots in the morning. Sneakers are not that great in slush.... I'm really looking forward to flip flops!

Sent from my iPad

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