Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 2: she sits, she stands, she takes a few steps!

From Megan's mom: Physical therapy came in and Megan was able to move today! It was so exciting to see her up. She experienced a little "pull" when she sat up but said that sitting and standing didn't cause any more pain. She sat for quite a while on the edge of the bed and then stood briefly. The second time she stood she took a few steps along the side of the bed. She has been awake for over an hour and is now watching t.v. for the first time (would you believe a MEDICAL show?). This is great progress!

We could still use prayer for pain and also that those islet cells really do their job. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Wow Meg, you look amazing!! Looks like everything is going very well. Still praying!

  2. Feel better soon mom. Love you so much. Heather and Drew wish you the best. Miss and love you so much. I'm so proud of you. Love you again. Mwah!

