Friday, February 17, 2012

We're out!

From Megan's mom: the surgery is complete and Megan is in recovery for a couple of hours. We have spoken with the surgeons and they were pleased with how it went. They said they had a hard time getting the pancreas out. Apparently it had drifted up since her spleen is gone and to quote Dr. Dunn,"the tail was up in her armpit". We tried to find out about how many islets were harvested. The number was not as high as we had hoped but Dr. Dunn said that Lew and I were more concerned about that than she was. They did a biopsy of her liver just to be sure but she doesn't expect to find anything. Tomorrow they will do an ultrasound of her bile duct to be sure there isn't any obstruction from the islets. They have a pain management plan in place and will adjust accordingly. All in all, it's a good result so far. Lew and I are at Stubs and Herbs and I, the non-drinker, am having a rum and coke! I'll probably stagger back to the hospital. At this point we don't know if she'll be in icu or the transplant floor so hold off on flowers. She's going to be in a lot of pain for the next few days anyway. Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers. We know they made a difference. Signing off to attend to my drink.

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